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Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating fitness journey in the heart of the UAE? Welcome to CrossFit, where you can challenge your boundaries, ignite your passion, and reach your peak fitness potential. Our diverse range of classes caters to all fitness levels, from beginners to seasoned athletes. There’s no need for pre-assessments – all you need to bring is your determination, and we’ll handle the rest. Join us today and experience the power of CrossFit as you sweat, push your limits, and transform yourself into the best version of you. Your fitness adventure begins here!

Fly 45 is a beginner-friendly HIIT program consisting of 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest, repeated for several rounds. It emphasizes lower skill Metcons, making it accessible to all fitness levels. This workout targets cardiovascular fitness and endurance with activities like running, rowing, cycling, jumping rope, and bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and lunges.

Crossfit training is a combination of olympic lifting, gymnastics movements, functional fitness and high intensity training which gets applied into a workout of the day or W.O.D for short. 

Everyday there is one workout which runs an hour long for each class the whole day. Each day the workout consists of different aspects of olympic/gymnastic/functional fitness/ HIITs.

The main perks of Crossfit is having a community working out together and socializing, having friends to chat with and compete in the class workouts or partner up and have fun together. 

A Crossfit class starts with a brief from the Coach regarding what to expect from that day’s workout, after the brief is done the Coach takes the class through a general warmup for the specific movement they are going to go through for that day. Once the warmup is done the Coach leads the class through the Skills/Strength section of the workout before the class gets ready for the final conditioning piece of the workout. Once the workout is finished the Coach takes the class through a general cooldown by either doing stretching or going for a walk around the gym catching some air.

There is a lot of misconception that you will become big or bulky by doing Crossfit. You have to take into account a lot of different variables, like how many times you are training in a day, how many calories you’re burning compared to what you are eating. People who look up Crossfit and see those “Athletes” on google don’t take into consideration how many training sessions these athletes are doing in a day, and how thorough they are with their diet to achieve the strength to lift heavy and move fast in a competitive environment. So to answer the question, no you will not get big and bulky by doing crossfit unless you dedicate a whole lot of time living like those athletes.

Crossfit workouts are a hybrid between Weightlifting, Gymnastics and Conditioning. It’s a combination of these different movements combined into one class of Crossfit.

Since each day there are different workouts happening in the classes with a longer term progression for both strength/skills. Depending what part of Crossfit you want to focus on, you can choose which days you want to come and train and get stronger and better.

In Crossfit there are workouts that are used as a benchmark tool to test your fitness level from the past year. These workouts are mainly used to see how much faster it took you to finish a workout or how much heavy load you lifted in comparison to the last time you did the said workout. Take for example “Angie” this workout consists of 100 Pullups,100 pushups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats for time. It’s a pure body weight exercise that doesn’t require a lot of technical crossfit knowledge to do it on your own.

Diane is another benchmark workout, which requires experience in gymnastics and on your weightlifting, Diane consists of 21,15,9 repetitions of Handstand push ups and Deadlift with weight for 100 kgs for men and 70 kgs for women. 

Crossfit has more than 600 benchmark workouts, depending on your knowledge and experience with crossfit, you can pick and  choose from very basic to advanced to test your skills at.

Crossfit has a wide variety of movements that helps support developing your chest to be stronger besides bench press. For example there is a body weight option of doing crossfit style push ups which requires you to start in a high plank position and transition on making contact of your chest to the floor while maintaining your hips stay off the floor.

Another great exercise for your chest is the Parallettes/Ring Dips. It requires a lot of coordination for your body to adapt to the movement while giving you a good workout.

Rich Froning has been training and competing for more than 12 years, his lifestyle is that of an Crossfit Athlete, which requires a lot of hard work to get to

To Get in shape like Rich Froning, you need to be dedicated to the lifestyle of an Athlete, Training 2-3 times a day, having an immaculate diet and having great sleep each day to be recovered and repeating all those training sessions 5-6 times a week. 

It’s possible to do it, but requires a lot of hard work to get there.

 The Coach’s priority in Crossfit class is to always help people who are new to Crossfit with what they can and can’t do.

For people that want to try Crossfit but are afraid of it being too complex or feeling like they are too old for it and can’t do certain movements.

The workouts in Crossfit classes are designed by Coach’s in a certain way to help each individual to scale the movement down to help them get a really good stimulus from the exercises at the end of the day.

High intensity interval training or HIITs which is part of Crossfit, can help with reducing weight but there are other facets that need to be looked at and not just focusing on crossfit to lose weight 

Crossfit or functional training in general helps you elevate your heart rate, which means the higher you exert in an exercise the higher the spike you are going to have in your heart rate the more calories you are going to burn.

On the other hand if you are eating more calories than what you are burning during a workout you won’t make much of a difference, what needs to be done while doing crossfit in conjunction is to eat good source of foods, hydrating well and healthy amount of sleep,because training alone would not solve the problem of losing weight.

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*Timing may change depending on requirement and demand. Booking as per availability of space.