The gymnastics competition season is a significant event in many juniors’ lives, requiring both physical and mental preparation. Parents play a pivotal role in ensuring their child is ready and preparing your child for a gymnastics competition is no small feat, both physically and mentally. As parents, you play an essential role in ensuring your child is well-prepared and comfortable before they perform. Here are some guidelines to help you navigate through the preparation phase:

Physical Preparation:


This is a crucial aspect of performance. While you don’t want to overhaul their usual diet drastically, there are some guidelines to consider.

  • Day Before:

Stick to foods that are familiar to your child.Focus on complex carbohydrates like pasta, rice, or whole grains for energy.. These will provide sustained energy. Avoid fatty or very spicy foods as they can be hard to digest.

  • Day Of Competition:

Have a balanced breakfast with a good mix of protein, carbs, and some fats.

As the event approaches, opt for easily digestible carbs like a banana or a slice of bread with honey.Definitely avoid sugary treats, sodas, or fizzy drinks. They can cause a sugar rush followed by an energy crash and can also lead to stomach discomfort.

Gymnastics Warm-up Routines:

Always pack essential equipment like resistance bands, foam rollers, or any other tools your child typically uses. This not only guarantees a consistent warm-up routine but also helps keep your child engaged during the waiting periods.


 Ensure they have a comfortable leotard for their performance. Additionally, for the waiting periods, pack warm clothing like a tracksuit, sweatpants, or a hoodie. Gymnastics competitions often have prolonged waiting times, so it’s crucial for them to stay warm and loose throughout.  

2. Mental Preparation:


Encourage your child to visualize their routines. This can build confidence and reduce anxiety. 


Positive affirmations can help overcome nerves. Phrases like “I am prepared,” “I am strong,” or “I can do this” can make a difference.


It’s essential for parents to manage their expectations. All athletes have off days, and a wobble on the beam or any apparatus doesn’t define their abilities or dedication to the sport. Nerves can sometimes get the best of even elite athletes.  

3. What to Pack: 

Gymnastics Competition Checklist:

  • Food and Drinks: Water is a must for hydration. Pack water and light snacks. Think about things like cereal bars, fruits, and unsalted nuts.
  • Personal Items: Extra hair ties, safety pins, a small first aid kit (with band-aids and pain relief), tissues, and any personal hygiene products they might need.
  • Entertainment: For long waiting periods, bring along a book, coloring materials, or any quiet activity that can help them relax.
  • Equipment: Don’t forget any essential equipment like grips, wristbands, or specialized shoes. 

4. Support:

Understanding the Event:

Competitions can be lengthy, sometimes spanning over two hours with long waiting periods. Prepare your child mentally for these delays.

Role as a Parent:

Be there as a support system, not just a critic. Cheer for your child, reassure them when they’re nervous, and always highlight the positive aspects of their performance. After all, it’s not just about winning but also about personal growth and enjoying the sport.

5. Gymnastics Tips for Parents:

  • Stay updated with the competition details. Know when the gymnastics competition season starts and familiarize yourself with the events.
  • Junior gymnast training tips suggest consistent practice and routines leading up to the event. This consistency builds confidence.
  • Remember, these competitions are as much about personal growth and experience as they are about winning. Whether they are participating in rhythmic gymnastics or other events, each moment is a learning opportunity.

To parents preparing their children for junior gymnastics competitions: every practice, every fall, and every success is a step forward.

Remember that while competitions can be stressful, they are also a learning experience. Whether your child wins or not, they’re gaining invaluable experience that will help them in future competitions and in life.

Best of luck to your young gymnast in their upcoming competition!