Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a dance lover, or someone who’s just looking to try something new, Fly High Fitness has an exciting day lined up for you this September 16th. We are hosting an Open Day, which is not just another free-pass day. This day is designed to let you sample a variety of activities without committing to a full session, giving you a flavorful taste of what we offer.
What’s on the Menu?
From body-strengthening Pilates at 9:00 AM to the rhythm of Tap dance at 3:00 PM, the schedule is packed with diverse classes for all ages.

For Adults:

Start your morning with the harmonious moves of Pilates Mat or energize yourself with Group Cycling and Body Pump at 10:00 AM.

Experience an introduction to CrossFit at 11:00 AM, where you’ll not only undergo a quick workout but also get an insightful chat with our experienced coaches post-session.

If martial arts are what intrigue you, don’t miss out on our Kickboxing Taster class at 12:00 PM.

For the Juniors:

CrossFit Kids and Teens have dedicated taster sessions scheduled between 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Your little ones can delve into dance with Ballet sessions tailored for different age groups at 1:00 PM and 1:20 PM.

Gymnastic enthusiasts can explore sessions from Parents & Me to Excel Classes for boys and girls between 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

But that’s not all. The afternoon, between 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, will also see exhilarating challenges hosted in our gym. Who can hang the longest? Who can achieve max metered on the Row? And let’s not forget the challenge to see who can do the maximum sit-ups in 1 minute.

What Makes This Day Special?

This isn’t just another class. The studio classes, for instance, will be open sessions with a greater capacity, ensuring that everyone gets a slot. We’ve even increased the number of coaches to ensure everyone receives the attention and guidance they need.

Remember, for all sessions, spots need to be booked in advance at the reception. This is to ensure that everyone gets a fair chance and the sessions are not overcrowded.

A Glimpse into the Future

While this Open Day is designed for a day of exploration and fun, we envision Fly High Fitness as your go-to space for fitness and activity in the years to come. Whether you’re reading this now or three years down the line, our dedication to bringing diverse, quality fitness options remains unchanged.

So, whether you’re a regular member or someone new to our community, let’s make September 16th a day of discovery. Who knows, you might just find a new passion!

See you there!

This Saturday , 16.9.2023,click here to book now.